Pacatuba Tree Rescue Hub
We are in the process of applying for funding to support the work of Fulkaxo communities through the establishment of a tree rescue hub at Reserva Ecologica Fulkaxo, in Pacatuba, Sergipe State.
​The hub will be a space dedicated to the cultivation of native plants from the caatinga and Atlantic Forest biomes, which have medicinal and artesanal properties. We aim to continue restoring degraded areas in Fulkaxo Ecological Reserve, while helping preserve Fulkaxó knowledge and traditional work practices.
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The project will involve the appreciation and training of indigenous relatives through the combination of traditional knowledge and new techniques for managing trees, green transition and 'smart' land management (use of remote sensing technology, data management, etc.).
The initiative attempts to recover the tree and plant knowledge of the Kariri Xoco.
We have started the process of creating a digital archive with an inventory of native plants and trees, with a short description of their specific traditional uses.
Historic spread of the Atlantic Forest covering an original surface area of approximately 2.2 million hectares across Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay
Only 9 per cent of the historic Atlantic Forest remains in Brazil, making this one of the most threatened major primary rainforests in the world.
Along with the Gran Chaco, the Amazon Rainforest and the Great Mesoamerican Rainforest, the Atlantic Forest is one of four interconnected tropical rainforest systems in the Americas that regulate global rainfall, temperature levels and atmospheric weather patterns.
We have started the process of digitising an oral inventory of trees and plants known to Fulkaxo elders and knowledge keepers within an ancestral tradition of ethno-botanical knowledge.
We are in the process of applying for more funding to produce an extensive digital inventory to preserve tree and plant knowledge in the Atlantic Forest and Caatinga biomes.
Below is a small sample of Pacatuba's native trees and plants:
Açoita Cavalo Miúdo has antimicrobial, antifungal and anti-inflammatory values. It is antipyretic, that is, capable of reducing fever. The plant's tea is beneficial for treating diarrhea.
Luehea divaricata (Açoita-cavalo-miúdo)​​
​​​​​Alecrim - flu, temperature and headaches.
Angiqueiro is used to make pipes, clubs - the bark is used to dye the leather and helps with hoarseness and expels phlegm from the chest.
Aricurivera is used as fiber- the coconuts are used for decorations and crafts.
Arecaceae (Aricurivera)​​
​Aruera is used as anti-Inflammatory- the milk is used to kill germs (from the feet, for example); and can be used to cure deeper illnesses, for example: wounds in the uterus.
Barbatimão is used as anti-inflammatory and dye (for body and artistic painting).
Biriba is used to make bows and arrows; resistant to making malocas (longhouses).​
Stryphnodendron spp (Barbatimão)​ ​
Camboatá - the branches are used to build houses and larger structures; and the peels are used for diarrhea and colic.
Canela de Velho is used to help treat arthritis, osteoarthritis and rheumatism, relieving pain, swelling and inflammation of the joints.
​Copaíba e Andiroba is good for flu, cold and general aches
Cruirí serves for pneumonia and strengthens the lungs.
Japecanga helps women in the fertility process; strengthens the uterus.
Cupania vernalis (Camboatá )​​
Jatobá cures flu, phlegm, strengthens bones - and is used to produce flour from green beans and is used to improve immunity and strengthen the blood.​
Hymenea Courbaril (Jatobá )​​
​Massaranduba - the bark is used in traditional medicine (anti-inflammatory); its wood is more resistant and is used for crafts and longhouse construction.
​​​​Sapucaia -its chestnut, which can be edible, is used to produce oil and has medicinal properties; the shell is used for crafts (vases).
Sucupira is good for bone and joint pain; digestive part; improves sexual health.
Taquara is used to make whistles, blowguns, and serve to protect houses - protective structure.
Timbaúba is used for building canoes and crafts, the seeds are used for medicine and animal feed
Enterolobium contortisiliquum (Timbauba)​​
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