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Traditional Bracelet

Guardians Kenya

The Hub


We are working with land defenders in Nakuru County, among two important indigenous communities-- Ogiek people of Mau Forest and Endorois people of Lake Bogoria. GWW runs three funded programmes in Kenya devoted to community reforestation, cultural heritage, advancement of indigenous governance and supporting the rights of indigenous land defenders. The work in Kenya is led by GWW board member and Ogiek community leader Leonard Mindore, and GWW advisor Josephine Konga, member of Majamoto Women's Council.

GWW board member and Ogiek land defender Leonard Mindore explains the need for reforestation near riversides in Mau Forest, and the importance of dombeya trees for local communities

Forest Restoration

Mau Forest Tree Rescue Hub



As of May 2024, a Tree Rescue Hub has been established in Mau Forest, Kenya, home to Ogiek indigenous people. The hub is located in Nessuit village in the eastern part of Mau Forest. This community space is the result of a collaboration between Guardians Worldwide and PROHome (Programme for the heritage of Ogiek and Mother Earth) and is being led by Leonard Mindore. The saplings are rescued from places outside the forest, such as roadsides or on farmlands, where the saplings would otherwise be eaten by cows or destroyed by human activity. The hope is to eventually have 5000 saplings of many indigenous species that can be nurtured and then transplanted into Mau Forest when the trees are strong enough to survive. This work comes at a crucial time when much of the Mau Forest is being felled to make way for farmland and commercial timber projects. Ogiek communities are facing evictions from the forest. The survival of Ogiek communities is dependent on the survival of the Mau Forest. This project has been funded by the Rapid Response Fund and individual donors. The project is ongoing and will require more funds as it grows to facilitate community learning projects and the continued rescue of more tree saplings. The hope is to establish other Tree Rescue Hubs within Kenya. As of July 2024, 1000 Dombeya tree saplings have been rescued and a further 1000 purchased. The Dombeya tree is an indigenous species to the forest and is important to Ogiek people as it is known for producing the best, white honey.


Lake Bogoria Tree Rescue Hub



In June 2024, Josephine Konga from the Lake Bogoria Women's Council set up a GWW funded Tree Rescue Hub in Majamoto, Kenya. The project aims to reforest parts of Lake Bogoria and combat lake level rise among Endorois indigenous communities.

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To help protect the world's forests and forest people

£15/ month



About the Great North Wood

Guardians of Mau

This programme is in partnership with Programme for Heritage of Ogiek and Mother Earth, and it has supported a tree nursery, reforestation, the creation of a new indigenous governance structure (Rogiosheet Council), legal support to stop illegal evictions, and the planning of a new culturral herutage centre in Mariashoni (Yedmit Centre) 

Endorois Women's Council

This programme is in partnership with Josephine Konga and the Majamoto Women's Council, and it has supported a tree nursery and herb garden in Endorois communities affected by the the inundation of lake Bogoria,

Treemoot Festival

Funded by Arts Council England, Treemoot Festival is a forest-based community festival located in Dulwich Woods. Organised by GWW Treemoot Festival has enabled Ogiek leaders to visit London and share their unique heritage, skills and knowledge.

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Volunteers Cleaning Park

Volunteer with us


We have several volunteers working with us on Africa projects,. We can also offer placements for volunteers seeking work experience in Kenya and Nigeria, and who would like to support our work in these countries.


If you are interested, drop us a line


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Guardians Worldwide is registered in UK, Nigeria and Portugal

Registration Number: 14034592 (UK, CIC)



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