The Healing Course
This online course is designed to give participants an in-depth understanding of the health implications of climate change from an indigenous perspective. Six indigenous practitioners will guide you through key aspects of indigenous health including plant medicine, forest health, water cure, medicinal honey, cultural rights, and much more.
With a special session led by Chilean artist Cecilia Vicuña.
All sessions are in English or in Portuguese with subtitles
A warm welcome from Tawana!
How is climate change related to human health?
Have you ever wondered?
​Our course is made up of two core modules: Preparation and Taught sessions.
Module One: Preparation
Guardians Worldwide has carefully curated these materials to prepare you for your journey. The course resources contain supplementary videos, which will guide your preparation. You will also find reflection sections designed to guide you through and support the process of learning and critical engagement.
This section is made up four parts and contains 5 supplementary videos and reading materials.
Guardians Courses
"A transformational experience like no other"
Ana MacArthur, New York
"We love Guardians"
Nikki Beaumont, Cambridge
"Guardians makes my week. I wake up at 3am every Wednesday to watch it live."
Maria, Auckland
Module Two: Taught sessions
We are delighted to have extraordinary course facilitators from Philippines, Chile, Brazil, India, Kenya and Canada for you to connect with. All facilitators are indigenous, or informed by indigenous teachings, and are deeply connected to their natural surroundings and traditional teachings.
We are honoured and grateful to share their wisdom with you. After each session, you will have the opportunity to answer to questions on the reflection section, to help you refine your understanding of the knowledge shared by our teachers
Thank you for visiting Guardians Worldwide.
This course costs £150 ( €175/$190) .
10% of that fee goes into a Guardians Tree Rescue Hub of your choice, in Kenya, Nigeria, Portugal, Brazil, Chile or UK.
After booking, you will get a coursepack with all the course materials. This includes a PFD with all the course readings, external links to complimentary sources + video links to all taught sessions, so you can watch in your own time.
Our teachers on this journey are:
Cecilia Vicuña
Cecilia is a Chilean poet and visual artist, winner of multiple international awards including Golden Lion (Venice), Premio Nacional (Chile) Velazquez award (Spain) among others. Her work touches on issues of memory, climate emergency and extinction.
Francisquina Vawakuru
Franscisquina is an elder and healer of the Shawandawa peoples of Alto Jurua, in the state of Acre, Brazilian Amazon.
Kaya Shawandawa
Kaya (Adeildo) is an Ayahuasca healer and community leader of the Shawandaw people of the Jurua River in Acre State (Brazilian Amazon).
Tawana Kariri Xoko Fulkaxo
Spiritual leader of the Kariri- Xoko Fulkaxo peoples of Northeastern Brazil, original inhabitants of the Atlantic Forest, Tawana comes from a long line of community leaders and healers. His family are guardians of the Fulkaxo Ecological Reserve, a 550 indigenous reserve in Sergipe State. He is a member of the board of Guardians Worldwide.
Claudia Cruz Kariri Xoko
A member of the Kariri-Xoko Fulkaxo peoples of Northeaster Brazil, Claudia is a community leader, herbalist and healer.
Leonard Mindore
Leonard is a member of the indigenous Ogiek peoples of Kenya. He is a land defender and environmentalist. He is the director of Program for the Heritage of the Ogiek and Mother Earth (PROHOME) and a board member of Guardians Worldwide.
Datu Lanelio Sangcoan
Datu is a community leader of the indigenous Higa-Onon peoples of Mindanao Forest, in Philippines. He is also Director of Tribes and earth Defenders.
Mahesh Mathpati
Mahesh is a medical researcher, raised as a member of a tribal community in India. He is currently Research Fellow at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.