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Planting a Tree
Guardians Worldwide  Tree Rescue Hubs

Tree Rescue Hub is a model pioneered by Guardians Worldwide for community led, indigenous led and grassroots regeneration of green spaces. Each TRH is led by a community according to place-specific and community-oriented priorities and needs. Thus, the model is designed to work both at local level, through knowledge of native species, local cultural and heritage, traditional ecological knowledge, but also, internationally, through co-operation, skills exchange and knowledge transfer between different hubs.   

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Guardians Worldwide is currently engaged in the development of seven Tree Rescue Hubs, each addressing specific environmental and social needs including climate action (combating heatwaves, wildfires and desertification), climate education, reforestation, urban woodland restoration, intangible heritage, women's rights and conservation.

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Community  volunteer days

All our Tree Rescue Hub are open to members of the community. We organise volunteer days where we spend time doing work on the lands we steward. If you would like to volunteeer in any of our hubs, please get in touch with us..


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